Thursday, June 18, 2015

Manuka Hub's Litter Free Wednesday

We noticed that our lunch boxes have a lot of gladwrap, chippie and muesli bar packets etc that cannot be recycled. Manuka Hub children decided to reduce the amount of rubbish we are sending to the landfill by collecting food scraps for Shiloh's pigs, recycling our yoghurt containers and any other packaging that can be recycled and trying to make our lunchboxes litter free.

On Wednesday we had our very first 'litter free Wednesday'  
What an amazing effort!
We were so proud of the effort everyone made to make changes in how their lunch is packaged.
We know that even if we change just one thing in our lunchbox to litter free packaging we are reducing the size of our landfill.

Look at these lunchboxes. Not one thing needs to go in the rubbish! Keep it up Room 1!

1 comment:

  1. Wow Room 1! What amazing rubbish free lunches! We are really going to slow down those rubbish hills if we keep doing this. Well done!
