Friday, February 13, 2015

Our Monarch Butterfly!

On Thursday Mrs Blakesley noticed that a chrysalis on our swan plant had turned transparent.  
Mrs Blakesley brought the chrysalis inside so we could watch it.
We could see the black and orange Monarch butterfly inside.

Within minutes the chrysalis split open and monarch butterfly emerged.

Riley said that the butterfly's legs were long and skinny like a spiders.  It's sticky legs helped the butterfly to cling onto the branch.

We watched as the butterfly moved out of the chrysalis and slowly began to unfold it's wings.

Slowly the butterfly's wings dried and filled with blood so it could fly for the first time.

This amazing change is called metamorphosis.  We were so lucky to watch it happen!


  1. That's awesome! Cameron has been talking about this lots...

  2. We watched and got a full blow by blow run down from Max. Thanks Mrs Blakesley

  3. Phoebe just loves the life cycle of the Monarch Butterfly. She spends hours at home with them to.

  4. I like seeing the butterflies hatch and watching them fly away.

  5. grat wthck max this is for maths
