Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Becoming a Chrysalis!

Room 1 watched this amazing transformation happen today in real life!  Yesterday we noticed 2 caterpillars hanging downwards in a fish hook shape.  This morning Phoebe spotted the skin of one of the caterpillars splitting open. We all watched as the caterpillar shed it's skin and became a beautiful chrysalis.  What an amazing thing to see happen!


  1. What a great idea to post the video. We watched it with Max & he was telling us all about it. He has really enjoyed learning about the butterflies.

  2. What a great idea to post the video. We watched it with Max & he was telling us all about it. He is really enjoying learning about the butterflies.

  3. Wow, what a great video. Bree has really enjoyed learning about butterflies, and has been able to share with the family all about how caterpillars change to butterflies.
